
Live Blues World

This group is maintained strictly in English and is here to allow exchange of views and experiences with members of the international blues community and especialy with members of

Members: 14
Latest Activity: Nov 3, 2011

There are lots of social networks and other sites in ning and elswere about the Blues. I found LiveBluesWorld to be of notable interest. So I took the initiative to try and bring the Blues community in Greece closer to the international blues community by forging some interaction between the two sites. This group is a step towards that goal.

I encourage members of Blues.Gr to join too and use this group and/or the group we maintain there too (at, to communicate with bluesmen and blues lovers all over the world.

Further down in this page you can find an RSS feed with updates on what's is going on over at The same approach is followed in our group at

It's obvious that we should maintain this group in English so that everyone can read and write posts in it.

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Members (14)


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