On February 3rd we (Terry, Scott Gifford, and Bob) mixed the final tracks for our new CD. Is the CD ready? Will it be out next week? Can I buy a copy at the next gig? What's the hold up? What is taking so long? I thought you prided yourself as being a simple blues band. There is stuff we can control in life and stuff we can't. Right now we are dealing with the latter. We can't skip or change the order in the process at this point. The next step we are waiting on is mastering. Once this is complete it is ready to be sent (along with completed art work) to the duplication service.
Keep in mind no one working on this project does this kind of work full time. All of us have other jobs that take up most of our time. Terry on a good week, works at least three other jobs. This is the blues baby and in these desperate times no one said it was going to be easy.
So when will it be ready? I would say late March or early April.

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