Talking with the rockstar of tomorrow, Jimmy - a fictional “No KIDing” freewheeling character by Ki.tsos

"Happiness is… moments, Freedom is… well, Inside you, Rock n’ Roll culture is… freedom, Friend is… good company, Girlfriend is… better company"

Jimmy (by Ki.tsos): Rocking Out Loud!

Jimmy is an teenage kid who loves rock music and his dream is to be a big rock star someday. He is greatly influenced by his dad who used to be in a band playing experimental rock. An experiment, that according to Jimmy “must have gone horribly wrong because dad lost his hair along with his youth in the process”. 

Jimmy loves freedom. Especially freedom of speech. He likes to use the right words to express himself, which people often find offensive. And the most offended person happens to be his teacher, who has made a lifetime goal to correct Jimmy’s attitude. It’s no secret that Jimmy hates his teacher, still he is intimidated of her, so he tries his best to hide it!

Jimmy has two best friends. Takis and Gus. Gus is the best student in their class. Takis is the worst.

Jimmy is a fictional character from the comic strip “No KIDing” made by Ki.tsos (facebook: kitsos Skitsos) which is published (almost) every Friday in the Facebook comic oriented page Comic Book Bubble.

Interview by Michael Limnios   Artwork © by kitsos Skitsos

How important is music in your life?

Music is everything man! Blur said it better than me: Music is my radar!

How does music affect your mood and inspiration?

Well it affects me in every way. Mostly, music makes me feel like the man I want to be.    

Which meetings have been the most important experiences for you?

The most interesting meetings I had, were staged by chance. Small talks with random people never to see again.   

What is the best advice ever given you?

Actually a rapper gave it to me. You know rappers tend to overanalyze things, so when he told me “kid, I’ll give you a word of advice” I was expecting a 5 minutes lecture in rhyme, and I was quite surprised when he did give it to me. He said: “Keep it real!”

What do you miss most nowadays from the past?

Oh, I hate this! My father is always complaining about how things have changed and how beautiful life used to be.  I miss nothing! Everything worth keeping is still with us.

"Music is everything man! Blur said it better than me: Music is my radar!"

Do you feel betrayed or satisfied of your generation?

I am really proud of my generation. What more should you expect from this bunch of losers?

If you could change one thing in the world and it would become a reality, what would that be?

Oh, I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t affect the stability of the stock market, and what’s worse than an unstable stock market, right?

What has made you laugh lately and what touched (emotionally) you?

Good humor always cracks me up. And acts of random kindness always touches me.

What is your favorite motto of life? 

It used to be “be the change you want to see in the world” but now it’s just “when life gives you lemons make a lemonade”.

Let’s take a trip with a time machine, so where and why would you really wanna go for a whole day..?

That’s an easy one! Ancient Greece of course, I mean I’d love to go to ancient Egypt too but it’s a time machine not an airplane, right?  

What would be your first decisions as minister of education and culture?

Hire talented people. Just that. 

If you go back to the past what things you would do better and what things you would avoid to do again?

Nothing man! I did everything of my own free will. Changing it wouldn’t be a kind of censorship?

"Good humor always cracks me up. And acts of random kindness always touches me."

Make an account of the case of Comix in Greece. What are your hopes and fears for the future of Comix’s art?

Comics in Greece are thriving for some reason, I mean the economic crisis should be a stranglehold, but you see more and more people drawing beautiful things, creating comics, being romantic. There are no fears, only the hope that Greek artists find the acknowledgement they deserve.

Which of historical personalities would you like to meet?

Socrates, Mahatma Gandhi and why not, the man himself Jesus Christ!

What would you like to ask Bob Marley?

Everything I’d like to know is in his songs. I’d ask him for a puff.

How you would spend a day with the Ramones?

Rocking out loud!

What would you say to Ki.tsos?

I’d say “work your skills man, you’re killing me!”

Happiness is… moments

Freedom is… well, Inside you

"I am really proud of my generation. What more should you expect from this bunch of losers?"

Rock n’ Roll culture is… freedom

Friend is… good company    

Girlfriend is… better company

Jimmy is a fictional character from the comic strip “No KIDing” made by Ki.tsos (facebook: kitsos Skitsos) which is published (almost) every Friday in the Facebook comic oriented page Comic Book Bubble.

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