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Q&A with founder/director of the Blues Alive festival Vladimir Rybicka, one of the longest running blues events in Europe

"I think it's the traditional Czech humanity and understanding. The fact that blues was partly a banned genre during the communist era also contributes. There was also a defiance against non-democracy and thus an understanding of this music. Today, young audiences can be attracted by the variety of blues music and the fact that blues stands at the core of practically all modern music genres (if you can listen well...)"…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 19, 2023 at 8:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Texas-based guitarist Jason Elmore, back to classic hard-rock sounds of the 1970's through the 1990's.

"I think it's very important to have a healthy mix of technique and feeling. I feel like rock guitar leans more towards technical proficiency and blues tends to focus more on feeling and less technique. The problem with either approach is that too much technical proficiency can often start to sound a little too mathematical or academic and relying completely on feeling and ignoring technique can often sound boring and can be too stale or…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 18, 2023 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with roots/blues singer-songwriter Lisa Biales, Ohio-based musician move easily through various musical styles

"The Christmas season brings up so many emotions and memories of childhood and family, happiness and sadness, excitement and despair, and Christmas music is the soundtrack for these experiences. I like to think that everyone has a favorite Christmas song or record that brings them joy."

Lisa Biales: The Soundtrack of Christmas

Big Song Music…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 17, 2023 at 11:30am — No Comments

Q&A with veteran multifaceted musician Sam Morrison, he has left an indelible mark on the world of jazz

"My music is the aura of where I am at physically, emotionally and what makes me happy and satisfied. It’s enjoyable and intoxicating to create. The ultimate creation can be relaxing or energizing, enlightening, enriching, an awakening and always rewarding. That’s the main meaning and goal of my life in music."

Sam Morrison: Whatever... Jazz Sutra…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 17, 2023 at 11:00am — No Comments

Q&A with blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Jon Geiger, one of Southern California's hardest-working blues men

"I have no fear of the future for that kind of music… What I miss I guess and what I hope for is more venues to do such in, and for club owners and the like to realize that if they build it, people will come… And to trust that music that comes from that place will always be needed… and people will always look for it… Because it is a soul healer…"

Jon Geiger: Rockin' The Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 14, 2023 at 9:00am — No Comments

Q&A with Matt Pascale, an Italian singer guitarist songwriter who loves to play electric, acoustic & slide guitar.

"Think the most important lesson I have learned but this also applies in private life is to understand who is in front of you, always be kind, and smile at anyone, the guys in my management will think about the rest. I've always been used to doing everything on my own, from dealing with gigs, to tour logistics to accounting, now luckily, I have people who are part of my team and who helped me do anything, without them I couldn't make it. We are a good…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 11, 2023 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with singer/songwriter Randy Lee Riviere, delivered an album with today’s blues/rock anthems as well as Americana’s rootsy vibes

"Don’t give up. If you make a few bucks, record an album! If you get the slightest of ideas, stop and get it down. iPhones are awesome in this regard. If I had one of these my whole life I’d have about 5,000 more songs in my catalogue! Music is work. It’s just like everything else: you get out of it what you put into it. Not to give up on the dream. And try to enjoy the…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 11, 2023 at 8:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Swiss based musician Pierre Omer, a mix of swing, strange easy listening, film noir soundtrack and experimental

"I feel the worst music is being listened to by the most people. I wish it would be the other way around!"

Pierre Omer: Tropical Breakdown

Ten years after reaching the earth, Pierre Omer and his Swing Revue are back, as fresh and energetic as ever with a brand-new album! With «Tropical Breakdown», album is due October 27 on the faithful…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 10, 2023 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with prodigious creator/producer Tom Hambridge, a Four-time Grammy - winning producer, songwriter, & drummer

"I believe music can heal and educate people. Music can be used for social change and can help break down walls bring people together."

Tom Hambridge: The Real Power of Music

Tom Hambridge is a Four-time Grammy™- winning producer, songwriter, & drummer for his production work on three of blues legend Buddy Guy’s most critically acclaimed…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 10, 2023 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with modern blues guitarist/singer Chris Beard, personal connections to the blues were forged with the living blues men

"It's pretty true to yourself. Figure out what you want, what you are capable of and go for it. You have heard this before, but the adversities along the way will break you or make you stronger, hopefully, the latter."

Chris Beard: Nothin' But A Blues Heart

Chris Beard is a modern blues guitarist and singer like no other. His personal…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 6, 2023 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Rock/Blues guitarist Michal Kulbaka, sold his soul to rock n' roll, toured extensively with various bands

"Music became too corporate and too over produced. All that mainstream music it seems very sad, dull like it wants you to be depressed. Music is not as important for younger generation life like it was before. From teaching experience, a lot of younger kids don't even listen to music anymore."

Michal Kulbaka: Rock'n'Roll is Here to Stay



Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 2, 2023 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with world-renowned blues rock guitarist Gary Hoey, mix feeling, phrasing, technique, authenticity, and tone

"My hopes, for the future are that more original artist will come out that make a statement in a positive way with music. My fear is that artist don’t make the royalties they used to, and they were to continue to struggle to try to make enough money to do what they love."

Gary Hoey: The Highway Blues of Life

World-renowned blues rock guitarist…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 2, 2023 at 8:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Portland based multitalented musician Chad Rupp, hot on the heels, funky, swinging, rockin’, soulful blues

"Music is a universal language and much like it’s sister Mathematics, it is implicitly truthful. It has the ability to cross all barriers and reach all hearts. My hopes are that we use it to communicate more. It’s a powerful way to speak and be heard."

Chad Rupp: Standing At Oregon Crossroads

Based out of Portland, Oregon, a town with a lot…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 1, 2023 at 8:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Midwest-based musician Kurt Allen, knows how to combine blues rock with wise touches of old school blues

"Some of the most important lessons I have learned are: Never quit because it's hard, you can never stop learning, this is a very brutal business, don't be afraid of NO's, you're going to hear plenty of them, nothing good comes without busting your tail, not all is always as it appears. There are so many lessons from music and life in general that are very important."

Kurt Allen: Blues Rock &…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 29, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with East Coast singer/harmonicist johnny hoy (and the bluefish), a band specializes in bluesy dance music

"Sometimes it feels like a good performance can really help people through their week. It gives them a shot of juice and keeps a positive attitude going in their lives at least for a little while. The healing power of the blues and music in general can’t be underestimated. Musicians have responsibilities in this regard."

Johnny Hoy: Dancing With The Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 27, 2023 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with legendary bassist Leo Lyons, the British musician and producer is Ten Υears Αhead of his time

"I’m very lucky to have had career in music for over five decades. Perhaps fans around my own age share collective experiences. It’s heartening to find that the music I play continues to resonate with both long-time fans and is passed on to newer generations."

Leo Lyons: Movin’ On Rock n' Roll

Legendary bassist Leo Lyons and Hundred Seventy Split…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 27, 2023 at 1:00am — No Comments

Q&A with singer/guitarist Natalie Martel, a long history of involvement in the San Francisco Bay area music scene

"San Francisco is a mecca for avant-garde and eclectic artists; as the city has historically had a migration of people coming from areas of the country where they were suppressed economically, artistically and spiritually!"

Natalie Martel: San Francisco Echoes

Canadian born, San…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 26, 2023 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with talented Croatian musician Odin S “The Bluesboy”, the youngest blues star keeps the flame burning

"Blues is not necessarily music only, it can be any kind of expression, and since it is the root of today’s music, it touches the soul and heart of a person. Kids nowadays are less connected with the older generations and their way of life, and it is unlikely for them to discover the blues on their own."

Odin S “The Bluesboy”: Sunrise Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 26, 2023 at 9:00am — No Comments

Q&A with German-based musician/tour manager Bernie Zylka of The Chain Gang, old style Blues Rock and Rock 'n Roll

"Meeting up with people all over the world shows, that as soon as come to a place as a musician, you're not a stranger anymore. You're welcomed, you become part of a community for one night and sometimes you find friends for the rest of life. Music unites people and makes people happy."

Bernie Zylka:

Back to the Old Good Days of Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 23, 2023 at 10:35am — No Comments

Q&A with M.A. Littler, a German/South African writer and filmmaker has written various books of poetry, films and many short films

"Don't overthink. Don't try to imagine what the viewer, listener, or reader understands. Keep it pure. Don't dismiss the irrational. If you understand your own work entirely it is probably not very good - and always woo the muse of the odd!"

M.A. Littler: Creative Force Blues

M.A. Littler, a German/South African writer and filmmaker has written…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 23, 2023 at 9:00am — No Comments

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