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Q&A with sensational and sensitive blues guitarist Roy Rogers - certainly among the finest slide guitarists playing today

"Music is life -there is music everywhere, not just in the concert halls with instruments, but on the street corners, and certainly in nature - but you just have to listen for it...With that said, not everyone is cut out to be in the music business as a profession and doing your 'artistic thing' -AND- trying to make money, which is not easy and not for everyone (no matter how talented you are!). Whatever you do--enjoy the music above…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 14, 2023 at 10:00am — No Comments

Q&A with Piedmont singer/guitarist Gail Ceasar, floating between bluegrass and the blues deep into the Virginia soil

"Well, I just go with the flow. However I'm feeling at the moment when I'm playing."

Gail Ceasar: Guitar Woman Blues

Gail Ceasar is a self-taught Piedmont blues and bluegrass singer/guitarist, who through the help of the Music Maker Foundation is releasing an authentic blues album titled Guitar Woman Blues (2023). Floating…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 13, 2023 at 1:00am — No Comments

Q&A with New Orleans based fast-rising star Kevin Gullage, leads his band of veteran players, The Blues Groovers,

"New Orleans is unlike any other place. It’s always growing in some way, shape, or form. When music is in any new age, New Orleans stands the test. It’s a place where the music lives in the streets, in the buildings, on the rooftops, and anywhere you can find people. That has always been the case. Now, people know that if the whole world dried up of its musical well, New Orleans would be the one place guaranteed to fulfill that thirst. They’ll always know…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 12, 2023 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with Mark Samuels of Basin Street Records, a Grammy Award-winning record label based in New Orleans

"New Orleans music is a big label that covers many styles and that is because there are so many influences in our city. Check out our Los Hombres Calientes. In one album it can take you from Brazil to Haiti to the Dominican Republic to Cuba to Jamaica and to New Orleans. There is Funk, Rumba, Salsa, Jazz, Blues annd more all in one album."

Mark Samuels: Dance on The Basin…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 12, 2023 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Author & actress Kathryn Leigh Scott talks about the famous mime, Marcel Marceau, and photographer Ben Martin

"When I first saw Marcel Marceau perform and then met him personally, I was deeply touched by his humanity. His “art of silence” speaks across all languages, all ethnicities, more eloquently than words. He has profound understanding of human nature and the human condition, surprising and delighting us while implanting powerful insight into who we are and how we relate to each other and the world around us. He’s a storyteller in the most fundamental way that…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 12, 2023 at 11:00am — No Comments

Q&A with veteran Canadian musician Gary Kendall, one of the best-known bassist, vocalist, songwriter, and band leader

"Being part of the blues and rock counterculture has given me a more relaxed approach to life and a better understanding of people, their beliefs and cultures."

Gary Kendall: Maple Groove & Soul

Gary Kendall is one of the best-known bassists in Canadian Blues, having toured and recorded with the legendary Downchild Blues Band, 1979-83 and…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 12, 2023 at 10:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Quisha Wint, phenomenal and expressive vocalist who also inspires others to live out their dreams

"I miss the meaningful lyrics, strong melody, and bass lines with stimulating chord progressions. I also miss reading the liner notes of an album to get a feel of the artist better. My hope is today’s artists would create great music that will have longevity and meaning. My fear is that the music of the past will get lost and not resurface. 

Quisha Wint: Eclectic Emotions &…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 12, 2023 at 10:00am — No Comments

Q&A with musician/author/songwriter Fred Hostetler, has been a blue spruce in a forest of music sequoias, journeying through blues, folk and the rock era

"Humility and gratitude immediately come to mind. To have commercial success in an endeavor involving music and the arts is nearly impossible without a bit of luck along the way. You do it because you love it; you must do it, but you'll experience massive amounts of disappointment along the way."

Fred Hostetler: The Lotus of The Blues



Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 10, 2023 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with harmonica virtuoso Martin Lang, captures the wailing urgency that makes Chicago blues harp famous worldwide

"Well, I hope music can help people form relationships with those others that are as different from them as I am from someone like Taildragger; in my relationship with him, the subject of race is literally a  joke. We know each other well enough to know that we are truly more alike than different, because of the music."

Martin Lang: Old Good Days of Blues Harp…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 10, 2023 at 9:00am — No Comments

Q&A with LA-based vocalist and harmonica man Douglas Avery, a veteran musician with feeling the emotion of music

"The music will affect everyone differently; as far as the socio-cultural implication, my hope is that the music affects people in a positive way-stirs something in their soul."

Douglas Avery: Pure Emotion of Music

Douglas Avery considers himself a lucky man able to live his dream as a musician. Born in Los Angeles, Avery got an early start…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 9, 2023 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with British musician Mississippi MacDonald, represents the next generation of great guitarists from the UK

"The future is full of hope though. In Britain and Europe the blues scene is thriving - magazines, websites, clubs, festivals are all really successful, and have prospered since the end of the Covid pandemic. So I think we should raise a glass to the memory of all those who have gone before, but look forward to and embrace what's coming next."

Mississippi MacDonald:…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 8, 2023 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Q&A singer & guitarist Paul Cowley, an unusually authentic feel for country blues with a sophisticated urban lyricism

"Blues music is enormously diverse, has gone through a century of change & development & will continue to change. The impact of the blues has and will continue to shift. On a simple level, the music brings people together, makes them equal, removes barriers & differences. That'll do for me!"

Paul Cowley: On The Blues Highway 



Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 7, 2023 at 10:00am — No Comments

Q&A with Arizona-based harpist-vocalist, R.D. Olson - brings high-energy blues to fill your soul and move your feet

"Blues knows no color at least not with the people I know we never talk about black or white some of the things making news today are not even talked about in my circles. The music binds us together."

R.D. Olson: The Real (Mr. Dynamo) Deal

R.D. "The Real Deal" Olson brings high-energy blues to fill your soul and move…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 5, 2023 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Greek musician John Skyllas, collaborated and recorded with some of the best Greek blues artists

"I firmly believe that without music (and art in general), nothing substantial exists; no culture, no society, no true love and in the final analysis… no humanity!"

John Skyllas: The Keys of Music Language

John Skyllas born and raised in Athens Greece. He studied music at the Apollonium Conservatory, with a…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 5, 2023 at 8:00am — No Comments

Q&A with talented guitarist Brandon "Taz" Niederauer, performed with some of the most legendary and prominent musicians of our time

"I am very fortunate to have the ability to express myself through music. The intention is for the listener to feel my spirit and emotions through my playing and what is emerging from my soul. It is who I am. It is what I am feeling that day, and in my life experiences.  Music is a special part of my life, and is a big part of who I am. I will leave it up to others to decide how it relates to the meaning of their life."…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 4, 2023 at 10:30am — No Comments

Q&A with legendary Austrian bluesman Al Cook, one of the pioneers of the continental European blues scene

"Any real and authentic folk-art is in fact timeless, while popular styles are conditionally in a state of permanent changing due to the spirit of times. popular music, by example became a global phenomenon and is by now the strongest influence on the development of public taste. there will be always some interest in so called exotic folk styles, but those art-forms are possibly too individual and even idiosyncratic to become a…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 3, 2023 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with author, poet, and spoken word activist, Jim Cohn / Treasures for Heaven: Collected Poems 1976-2021

"Emotional intelligence work was key to whether I was living life well as a human being, in respect to specifically doing no harm to others, or to myself. So, from my perspective, a “life well lived” isn’t a matter of amassing wealth, fame, notoriety, power, 40 acres and a mule, a carbon-negative energy producing self-driving car or smart home, or having a few shelves, an entire library, devoted to your archives. A life well lived is one paying down…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 3, 2023 at 10:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Music City based multi-instrumentalist Yates McKendree, grew up hearing and playing with many great musicians

"I miss the rawness and soulfulness of the old records, the way they were recorded, the musicianship of the day… And the stories that were told. I fear that people will lose sight of what truly is traditional blues, and the lasting impact it’s had on music made around the world, and how relevant it can still be today."

Yates McKendree: Music City Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 3, 2023 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Florida-based Mark Telesca, a talented songwriter, singer, guitarist, bassist, band leader and author

"Lots of regular life lessons that we should all adhere to be kind, don’t speak badly of others, and one of the most important lessons that I’ve learned is this: there is really more good in the world than bad."

Mark Telesca: Love Music-Hate Cancer

Mark Telesca is an American songwriter, singer, guitarist, bassist, band leader and author.…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on January 2, 2023 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with Chicago's most vibrant musician Keith Scott, has been a part of the Chicago blues scene since 1981

"The balance between technique and soul is an important component of the blues. You have to have technique to execute the performance and you have to have soul for the music to be felt. So, in a strange way you only want to get so proficient on your instrument. Too much technique will take away from the music. Soul comes from experience and the more you have the more soulful your sound will be."…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on December 31, 2022 at 7:00pm — No Comments

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