"I am hopeful for the future of the genre. I think those purists are just a loud minority, and I feel like a lot of newer artists are driving a bit of a resurgence in the genre's popularity. Buddy Guy recently said that he felt the wider music industry treated the Blues "like a stepchild," and I hope we'll started to see a shift in those attitudes before much longer."
Ralph Beeby: The Darkest Blues…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 14, 2023 at 5:30pm — No Comments
"Music is the most powerful tool for social revolution and building a society. I can only hope my music will leave a lasting impression on others. My goal is to make music from the heart. This sounds cliche but these days there is so much temptation to conform your music to fit into a certain mold to "sell". I will know I have accomplished something if I inspire others to create, play guitar, or build something beautiful."…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 14, 2023 at 5:00pm — No Comments
"I think that music don't have so much influence as before. Just remember Bob Marley, John Lennon and many others whose music moved people, public opinion, politicians... Today's mainstream music is like fast food, don't last long."
Danko Krznarić (D.K.): Above The Clouds
Talented Croatian Blues Rock guitarist Danko Krznarić, aka D. K.,…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 14, 2023 at 12:30am — No Comments
"American roots music is so steeped in the rich and complicated history of the United States. Listening to this music and trying to understand how it relates to the times in which it was written or performed offers so much insight into the history and people of the US. It’s the sound track to a lot of movies and is woven into our lives."
Deb Callahan: Backbone of Blues &…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 13, 2023 at 11:30pm — No Comments
"I think of music as being a reflection of all factions of culture. Once in a while, music transcends all that, as in the case of WE ARE THE WORLD, etc! It has been proven that music can be a tremendous force for good."
Nelson Blanchard: Music From The Heart
Nelson Blanchard was born on January 13, 1953. At the tender age of 10, he was already a…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 13, 2023 at 10:00pm — No Comments
"I understand that “The Spirit” is the God-breathed identity that all of us have been uniquely given. Music can be one of the expressions that we use to communicate how we have been affected by The Spirit. The meaning of life is knowing and experiencing the Love that God has for us all and sharing that love with all that we meet."
Jimmie Bratcher: The Music Power of Love…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 11, 2023 at 8:30pm — No Comments
"Staying humble and don't go around with a big ego/chip on your shoulder. Always try to listen to everyone; be diverse in your music and be open minded."
Johnny King: Baptism of Sound
Johnny King is a guitar virtuoso! He is also a producer, singer, songwriter, actor, author, music instructor, and lively performer. For over twenty-five years, he…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 11, 2023 at 10:30am — No Comments
"Well, blues along with jazz was invented by African Americans, so in a way, it has done good things for black people in the US. This music brings whites and blacks together. That was especially important in the 1950’s and 60’s here. But now blues inhabits a very small community and has little social implications."
Dudley Taft: The Rock n' Blues Kingdom…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 11, 2023 at 10:00am — No Comments
"To be courageous, kind, respect myself and others and make sure I'm surrounded with good people. It's always important to be kind and meet people where they are, but also important to set boundaries for yourself and take charge of your own life, music and career."
Sahra da Silva: Music Crossroads
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 8, 2023 at 5:30pm — No Comments
"So for me blues music and the people I've met in it make myself keep a sense of humility first off. Because at the end of the day, we're all people. Don't matter what race, creed color your are. We're human, we're people. So it teaches me to stay humble, grateful and I try to stay kind."
Ivy Ford: Kismet Blues in the Windy City
Known as The…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 5, 2023 at 11:00am — No Comments
"I think if you believe the above to be true and we are, whether we realise it or not, living at a critical moment in history; and we each take our small role in it seriously, then it’s beholden on us to at least try to plant the seeds of some kind of conscious awakening."
Ken Lowe: Keeping the British Satirical Draughtsmanship Alive…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on April 5, 2023 at 10:30am — No Comments
"Obviously, having hit records changed my life, but the “key to a music life well lived” is happiness, both professionally and personally. In that sense, I’ve been very lucky."
Steve Katz: Blood, Sweat & Rock n' Roll
Steve Katz is a guitarist and record producer who is best known as a member of Blood, Sweat & Tears. Katz was an original…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 30, 2023 at 11:30am — No Comments
"I think that, in the future, human beings will become 'proto- humans', Human beings will slowly become 'Proto' for instance by including technology in their own bodies, chips inserted in their veins, so they don't have to use passwords to open the door is just the beginning."
Graham Nash: Eyes and Ears Artistry
Legendary artist Graham Nash, as a…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 29, 2023 at 8:30pm — No Comments
"That no matter where you are in this world, music can connect people with people, generations with generations, and the more music we create the more connections we can make."
Joseph Boudreaux Jr: A Bridge of Culture
New Orleans outfit, The Rumble, announced that they will be releasing Live at the Maple Leaf on May 19th. "My…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 29, 2023 at 9:00am — No Comments
"Performing blues music and bringing our show to fans around the world has been very gratifying. We’ve learned that music is the “universal language,” and people from all parts of the world relate to blues music in a positive way. Traveling throughout the USA, Canada, and overseas has introduced us to so many wonderful folks, and we’ve seen that the human family is basically…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 28, 2023 at 8:00pm — No Comments
"I think that the genre (Blues) needs to be embraced, taught and shared in a broader sense, it has to be accepted, supported and respected more by black people here in America first. I think people can be made to understand how this music has been so important in the development of our place culturally in society."
Alabama Mike: The Future of the Blues…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 28, 2023 at 9:00am — No Comments
"The current state of the music industry consists of a quite diverse sound and different genres. However, I believe the Blues is still going strong and fans have been loyal to the scene for many decades now. Blues is the foundation of popular music and its roots will hopefully keep growing for many years to come. Therefore, I believe it is a matter of generations, how one passes the information to another. That way, there is a great…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 25, 2023 at 9:30am — No Comments
"The Beats loved jazz, Kerouac wanted to be a jazz writer, but they also appreciated classical music and other forms of music. Notice the shout-out to Ray Charles at the beginning of Ginsberg’s “Kaddish.” What really helped keep the Beats alive was their influence on rock music: Bob Dylan, The Grateful Dead, The Doors, Janis Joplin, David Bowie, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, Patti Smith, The Clash, Nirvana. Rock lyricists are the true heirs of the Beat…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 24, 2023 at 1:00pm — No Comments
"You need to play freely from your heart, and I believe you play the most free when you are making music you love. Let your emotions shape the sound, the phrasing, the melodies, and the riffs and grooves. I think if you have enough chops to express what you feel, and you can put your soul into every lick you play, then that's a music life well lived."
Pete Anderson: Making A Great…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 22, 2023 at 11:00am — No Comments
"My hope is that the younger generation will push forward this wonderful form of music and keep it going well into the future and keep the Blues alive."
Big Joe Maher: Let The Rockin' Roll
Joe Maher aka "Big Joe" started out his music career in his Maryland high school jazz band "The Starliners.” Musician greats like Clark Terry, Urbie Green,…
ContinueAdded by Music Network by Michael Limnios on March 21, 2023 at 11:30am — No Comments
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