Michael Limnios Blues Network's Blog (3,367)

Interview with British singer Jo Harman - with her music and voice touching the mainlines of human soul

"I miss that I was not around in the 70s. The music then seemed more free and less directly commercialized? I may be wrong but that's the sense I get."

Jo Harman: The Diamond Of Crown…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 21, 2014 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Interview with French one-man band Magic Buck - his music are full with energy, emotion and happiness

"Because it's (Blues) about something essential we all have in common! Born in the African American community in a past period, but today a universal music that touches everyone who knows how to listen…"

Magic Buck: One Man & His Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 20, 2014 at 11:23am — No Comments

Interview with British slide guitarist and scholar Michael Messer - the bridge of blues around the world

"The Blues means everything to me. Apart from my family, the Blues is my life’s blood."

Michael Messer: The Bright Side Of Blues 

Michael Messer was born in 1956, Middlesex,…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 18, 2014 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Interview with Canadian artist Brandon Isaak - his music come from a traditional approach of blues

"The blues to me is just real peoples stories. It's not a sad thing or and she done me wrong thing. It's and I'm alive and this is life, the good with the bad."

Brandon Isaak: Here On (Blue) Earth…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 17, 2014 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Interview with Brazilian musician Alex Dupas - passing the message of blues with his music and songs

"I believe that the blues touches the souls of people."

Alex Dupas: The Blues Messages

With a career spanning almost 20 years, Alex Dupas is a Brazilian harmonica player, composer,…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 17, 2014 at 4:45pm — No Comments

Multi talented musician Vaylor Trucks talks about his projects, Allman Brothers, Jazz and Butch Trucks

"If you love the community that music engenders, then the jam band scene is a natural fit."

Vaylor Trucks: Fusion Echoes & Fringes…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 16, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Italian singer Sabrina Matola - her unique Soul Jazz voice and presence impress the audience

"We're in the days of auto tune and digital musicians have left a void between the music and the audience. The human factor has been almost entirely removed from the songs."

Sabrina Matola: IL Blues Sorella…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 14, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Arkansas multi-talented Rachel Fields - rooted deeply in Blues, Gospel, Folk & Roots music

"I miss that good music use to be on top! It was about the music years ago. Now it is not, now it is about the image or the 'hook' or the money." 

Rachel Fields: Heartbreak Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 13, 2014 at 7:03pm — No Comments

Interview with Canadian Blues/Rock musician Julian Paul Bennett - music connection with human emotions

"I think the future is bright for musicians as long as whatever advances in technology serve the human need to stay human and create human emotional music."

Julian Paul Bennett: Blues Meets Rock…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 13, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Puertorican Joe Taino - His amazing and wizardry style made him the highlight of NY scene

"The blues is a feeling deep inside from your heart to your guts and back up your spine."

Joe Taino: Caribbean Blues

Joe Taino’s interested in music became at the age of 9 after watching…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 12, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments

An Interview with Vicky Martin of Delta Ladies - a multi-instrumental duo with two lovely London ladies

"Three words – swing / soul / pentatonic – these things are the roots that connect all those musics and all the folk musics of the world."

Vicky Martin: The Delta Lady

Delta Ladies are a…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 12, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Interview with Italian jazz bass player Marco Marzola - carries the artistically rich lineage of Jazz

"Jazz is, however, their music and culture, but also in Europe has been learned  this music, but in any case the music is music, there is the good and bad music, it depend who does it."

Marco Marzola: Walkin with the Jazz…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 12, 2014 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Jason Stein - focus on the bass clarinet as a jazz and improvisational instrument

"It's (Jazz) thrilling to see people make things up on the fly. Improvisation is such a natural part of being alive and being human and it's an amazing thing to see people improvising on their instruments."

Jason Stein: Jazz This Time…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 11, 2014 at 11:31pm — No Comments

Interview with lightshow artist musician Marc L. Rubinstein of Pig Light Show, a visual analog to the music

"Psychedelic is a frame of mind, available to anyone, and attainable without drugs if you are open to and desirous of more than what faces the average person."

Marc L. Rubinstein: See the…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 10, 2014 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Polypragmon Austin Jimmy Murphy talks about the wide range of his activities and the history of Blues

"Playing blues is not as easy as many may think. It isn’t a game of speed, it’s a game of intense logic."

Austin Jimmy Murphy: Blues Traveler

Austin Jimmy Murphy was…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 9, 2014 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Interview with world fusion artist Harry Manx - an “essential link” between the music of East and West

"The Blues is very old if we consider that it originated in Africa and Indian music is also very ancient. The depth that comes from age is found in both styles."

Harry Manx: Om Mysticssippi Ohm…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 7, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Windy City guitarist Joe Moss, one of the hardest-working performers on the blues circuit

"I loved playing in Europe. Europeans listen better and are very respectful of our music."

Joe Moss: Marathon Runner of Blues

Few up and coming young blues performers walk the walk to the…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 6, 2014 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Blues n' Rock guitarist Conrad Oberg talks about Hubert Sumlin, Morgan Freeman and Woodstock 2009

"Rock and Blues music is a tradition that keeps evolving into different things, so I think that it stays relevant." 

Conrad Oberg: Peace & Rock n' Roll

Conrad Oberg was born in the Summer…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 6, 2014 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Veteran singer-songwriter John Cee Stannard talks about the British folk and blues movement of 60s

"The main philosophy is not to over philosophize, but just have fun and give yourself the freedom to wander, musically, down that road, but without the heavy load."

John Cee Stannard: Folky Albion Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 6, 2014 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Interview with guitarist Ira Stanley of Dixie Peach - a group that doing what they like best: playing Blues

"Blues music requires you to dig deep into your heart if it is to be genuine."

Dixie Peach: Do I Dare to Eat a Peach?

Dixie Peach is a group of accomplished musicians doing what they like best: playing…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on March 5, 2014 at 8:15pm — No Comments

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