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Interview with LA based guitarist Dennis Jones - a hurricane that changing the blues landscape in his path

"Blues music is my therapy. Writing songs has a way of helping me understand, and deal with, life, love, and loss."

Dennis Jones: Soft Hard & Loud Blues

Sizzling hot guitar solos. Smooth and soulful vocals. High-energy stage performance. Backed by a rhythm section that is second to none, this IS Dennis Jones. Jones was born in Baltimore,…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on November 4, 2020 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with poet, musician, ethnomusicologist Steven Taylor - deeply knowledgeable about the music and poetry works

"As far as we know, in ancient times, poetry and music were the same thing. And of course we still speak of the music of poetry, in terms of meter, rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, repetition, and so on, even when the poetry is read silently from a page. If literature is defined as fine writing, it is always musical to some extent."

Steven Taylor: Notes Sutra,…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on November 3, 2020 at 10:30am — No Comments

Greek poet, writer and translator Christos Angelakopoulos talks about the Beat Movement, poetry and music

"I learned to be open to the chance, it made me want to “follow my inner moonlight”, express my feelings without being afraid and live my life to the fullest. Of course, “On the Road” brought in the forefront the technique of Bob prosody… More importantly, it taught me the meaning of friendship and it instructed me to try to listen to the music of the words, always underlying though seemingly latent, just like the music of the…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on November 2, 2020 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with Paul Boddy & The SlideWinder Blues Band hits hard with its own brand of Texas and Chicago driven contemporary blues

"Music is like the great equalizer. It brings people together, no matter the shape, size, backgrounds, orientation or color. You rarely hear people fighting over music. It Is something that is shared, and it bonds us all together. I think we need more music everyday. More unity."

Paul Boddy & The SlideWinder Blues Band

Paul Boddy & The…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on November 2, 2020 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with Detroit-based guitarist Dennis Coffey - worked with the list of iconic artists, producers and writers

"The musicians in Detroit were all friends. No one cared what race or heritage you were as long as you could play. We never knew what songs we played on would be hits. We just made sure the producer and arranger were happy with our performance on each song and moved on to the next song."

Dennis Coffey: The Sounds of Motor City

Dennis Coffey is an…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 30, 2020 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with multitalented Roland Parijs - translator, calligrapher, painting artist and passionate dancer

"Literature allows you to see through the eyes of others, feel, enjoy or suffer like they do. It enables you to reactivate your own problems. Music binds people without saying a word. Every time I dance man and woman dance with me, and during the dance we have a strong connection. I see their eyes lit up. It is the most wonderful thing!"

Roland Parijs: Let The Good Times…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 20, 2020 at 11:00am — No Comments

Q&A with Nate Wooley, one of the most in-demand trumpet players in the burgeoning Brooklyn jazz, improv, and music scenes

"I think we could change a lot of things about how we treat each other, listen to each other, empathize, and care for one another, but that’s a human problem, not a music industry problem. In some ways, as musicians, we do it better than the broad population, but I’ve also seen examples of us (including myself) doing it worse."

Nate Wooley: The Sound of Humanity…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 19, 2020 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with Canadian roots music hero Rick Fines, has had a long and storied career as one of the hardest working musicians

"The more you express yourself, the better you know yourself. Knowing who you are and what you like and don't like sets you on your path."

Rick Fines: Solar Power Emotions

Steeped in roots music, Rick Fines crafts a unique blend of warm-hearted blues, juke joint folk, and dockside soul that both embraces and defies the genres that influence him.…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 18, 2020 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with Texas-based Hamilton Loomis - “This Season” brings us hope – at a time when it’s needed most

"First of all, I think that it's important that people realize and understand the struggles and hardships Black Americans were going through when this music was first created, and how it literally influenced all American music to follow. Also, it's important for musicians of my generation to educate the younger generations on this topic, and how important Blues is for our history."

Hamilton Loomis:…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 15, 2020 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with legendary singer Chris Thompson, has penned a seething new message with his single “Blood On His Hands”

"I think there are too many people on the planet and the rate of population increase is unsustainable and something will happen to change that through necessity. I liken us to the dinosaurs… they got too big for their environment, ate up all the food and got wiped out. I know that’s dramatic, but the way we live just cannot last. It’s a shame because it is a wonderful world."

Chris Thompson: The…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 14, 2020 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with guitar virtuoso Nils Jiptner (Nils), has been one of the most successful forces in the contemporary Jazz genre

"I would like the music styles to be less segregated, more mixed up. Radio stations, music programs should play a wider variety of music, not be so specialized to one narrowly defined genre."

Nils Jiptner: Caught In The Groove

Guitar virtuoso Nils (Jiptner) has been one of the most successful forces in the Contemporary Jazz genre.…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 14, 2020 at 10:00am — No Comments

Legendary frontman of The Fuzztones, Rudi Protrudi talks about the Rock Counterculture, NYC and Screamin' Jay Hawkins

"I would hope that people would finally have enough of this homogenized crap they pawn off as music nowadays and demand something substantial. But that's highly doubtful."

Rudi Protrudi:

NYC Had A Baby And They Named It Fuzztones

FUZZTONES celebrate their 40 year anniversary with a heartfelt…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 13, 2020 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Greek performer/songwriter Dimitris Panagopoulos talks about the Blues, Rock Counterculture and Biophysics

"I would like music to make the people more authentic, more true to themselves, to make them turn to real values and don’t care about seeming. To make them love and respect each other, not to pretend, be simple, honest, and true. To make them see the real values in life and try to get close to them."

Dimitris Panagopoulos: Heart & Mind Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 12, 2020 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with Australia's lady of rock, Lisa Perry (Hellz) - true singing and songwriting force, her music is connected to our souls.

"Music seems to bring people together by creating a neutral ground where people can relate upon the same experiences. I think it is grounding."

Lisa Perry (Hellz): The Rock n' Roll Spirit

Australia's lady of rock, Lisa Perry is a true singing and songwriting force. Lisa embodies a giant 6 full octave range, paired with the power of a freight…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 7, 2020 at 10:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Portuguese band of Peter Storm & The Blues Society - their field of joy, where their Blues really comes alive

"Blues would have the same projection like, for example, current pop has. This would lead the blues to be present at major festivals, radio stations, large concert halls. But, for that, the Blues would have to reach the masses."

Peter Storm & The Blues Society

Portuguese blues band of Peter Storm & The Blues Society released their…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 7, 2020 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with composer and musician Susan Alcorn, one of the world’s premiere exponents of pedal steel guitar

"Humans are social creatures, and musicians are human beings (at least I think they are), so especially when they are playing with and for other people, music is a social act."

Susan Alcorn: The Words of Music

One of the world’s premiere exponents of her instrument, Susan Alcorn has taken the pedal steel guitar far beyond its traditional role in…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 6, 2020 at 10:30am — No Comments

Q&A with singer/songwriter Juliet Hawkins - modern troubadour with footprints in both the soul and rock worlds

"I want people to feel, to think, to let go of fear, to look inward; most importantly I want my music to carry a message of unity and hope. I want people to come together and want to move as one. I want my music to serve as a monkey wrench in the machine that is our society."

Juliet Hawkins: Lead with Love

A modern troubadour with…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 6, 2020 at 9:30am — No Comments

Q&A with New York-based multitalented musician Tomás Doncker - a pioneer of the global soul movement

"The impact of music in society is, and always will be, huge. It can open hearts & minds, and shape, inform, and galvanize people's actions. The opportunity I have to do this, as my life's work, affords me a way to positively impact people's lives and create positive change. I make it my business to on the side of positivity. Always."

Tomás Doncker: Global Soul…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on October 1, 2020 at 11:30am — No Comments

Q&A with Indianapolis based musician Jon Strahl - deep fried in the blues but never loses sight of rock and roll

"Music is meant to bring people together; I can only hope that our music could do that. Music is the common language."

John Strahl: Future Blues with Roots

Heartache and Toil (2020), the new album from the Jon Strahl Band, is deep fried in the blues but never loses sight of rock and roll. Over the record’s 12…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 30, 2020 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Q&A with Midwest-based musician Kevin Burt - dispelling the myth that true blues has no roots in Iowa

"In my opinion, Blues is the “Folk Music” of North American Blacks. It is the only folk music that other cultures declare that they know it, understand it, can play it, better than its cultural creators. For example, there are not multiple societies of people in Mexico with multiple local bands saying, let’s give the people some polka. As a culture, I believe that more Black Folks in North America need to reconnect, support, appreciate and respect all of…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on September 28, 2020 at 10:30am — No Comments

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