Michael Limnios Blues Network's Blog (3,375)

Interview with Shrimp City Slim (aka Gary Erwin) - a veteran Charleston blues guru of Lowcountry brand

"You have to remember that the blues was created as a personal musical expression by a basically non-literate culture. It is the sound of the human heart, the song of the spirit. I think that today we need the blues more than ever."

Gary Erwin: Lowcountry…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 16, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Interview with poet/playwright/recording artist Michael C Ford - a legendary voice on the LA poetry scene

"I believe the Blues relates to Poetry in a way that acknowledges structure: that is blues changes are inherent in 1-4-5 chord progressions and the lyric lines are in three structured phrases." 

Michael C Ford: Beatbop Words & Rhymes…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 14, 2014 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Interview with Brazilian Cristiano Crochemore - Blues Rock in a simple, direct, spontaneous & sweet way at the same time

"I believe the blues message is: Simplicity."

Cristiano Crochemore: Freeman Blues

Cristiano Crochemore, is a Brazilian guitarist from Porto Alegre, lives in Rio De Janeiro since 1986. In…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 13, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Cherokee, Celtic & Creole origin bluesman Pat Moss talks with a deeply spiritual philosophy about music

"The Blues teaches us that everybody is somebody. The blues is the soundtrack of reality. Whatever you have lived through has been talked about in a blues song."

Pat Moss: The Score Music Of Lifes…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 12, 2014 at 9:55pm — No Comments

Interview with Brazilian bassist Leo Javali - a distinguished member of local rock and blues community

"The blues is the roots of all modern pop music and always be, you always end up with the blues no matter what…"

Leo Javali: Belo Horizonte De Blues

Leo Javali born Leonardo Augusto…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 11, 2014 at 12:45am — No Comments

An Interview with UK blues rock trio of Egypt (Eric Chipulina, Alan Fish and Peter Correa) since 1987

"Less is more. Nothing is everything. It’s a great excuse."

Egypt: Pharaohs With Blue(s) Jeans

Egypt is a UK blues rock three piece band formed in 1987. Egypt is best known for its close…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 10, 2014 at 12:17pm — No Comments

Interview with photographer Keith Green -- known for his portraits of West Village rock icons and artists

"The legacy of rock music is evident just about everywhere you look."

Keith Green: Portaits of Imageville

Native of Houston, Texas photographer Keith Green is known for his portraits of…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 9, 2014 at 4:12pm — No Comments

Veteran bassist Evan Palmerston talks about Cold Blood, Elvin Bishop, Carol Kaye and Merl Saunders

"Learn something new everyday and most importantly, listen!!!"

Evan Palmerston: The Musicality Of Blood

Evan Palmerston has been a working bassist for the past 4 decades. Born 1952, raised…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 7, 2014 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Q&A with New Orleans-based artist Zoë Boekbinder - her music recalls vinyl records and old time speakeasies

"American Roots music speaks to me. I can only imagine it must also speak to a lot of other people."

Zoe Boekbinder: Jailhouse Blues

Zoe Boekbinder was born on an early winter morning, in the upstairs…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 5, 2014 at 10:31pm — No Comments

Interview with the missionary of the blues Bert Lek -- an respectable active member of Dutch blues scene

"The youngers never heard the real blues men and ladies."

Bert Lek: The Flying Blues Dutchman

Dutch Bert Lek is well known as a photographer, reporter, promoter, radio producer and…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 5, 2014 at 11:00am — No Comments

Interview with amazing blues artist Katie Bradley - one of the most impressive stories to emerge on UK

"Blues people are enlightened people who know how to have a good time! That's the best party - Who doesn't want to be part of that?"

Katie Bradley: Traveling With The Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 4, 2014 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Spanish roots duo of Sara Gee & Ramblin Matt - Mediterranean salt in Mississippi river

"My fear for the future is that humanity keep on being such an egoistic and keep on destroying the planet and then we don't have blues, no trees, no water and no animals..."

Sara Gee & Ramblin Matt: Riu Túria Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 3, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Poet George Kalamaras talks about the Blues & Jazz, André Breton, Charles Mingus and Yogananda

"While Blues speaks of the depth of the human heart, Jazz riffs off of that emotion into exciting forays into the unconscious—not unlike a poem—relying upon associative leaps and a fanciful imaginative reach."

George Kalamaras: A Yogi of Poetry…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 3, 2014 at 3:00am — No Comments

Interview with artist Peter Nogas - Woodstock era is the connection expressed through his artistic style

"Art to me is a freedom of expression. A combination of mind and heart through creation be it music, poetry, painting, art is a self-portrait of one's soul."

Peter J. Nogas: Psychodelik Pete's Art

Born Peter J. Nogas 3rd in a small…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 3, 2014 at 1:49am — No Comments

Interview with Brazilian bluesman Oly Jr. -- mixture Milonga and Blues, the music don't have frontier

"The Blues and its few elements are capable of translating what all of us feel - without distinction of culture, time, and beliefs - which is pain."

Oly Jr.: Milonga Soul, Blues Feeling

Oly Jr. is one…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 1, 2014 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Sid Herring of The Gants - 60s R&B Beatlesque sound with Mississippi Bluesy Delta beat

"Today's music seems to be shortly lived and doesn't have as much staying power as our Rock n' Roll of the past for most of today's artist but not all."

Sid Herring: The Gants of Rock n' Roll…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on July 1, 2014 at 1:30am — No Comments

Interview with drummer/singer/songwriter J. Hansen - one of the top Blues and Roots drummers in the US

"Blues and jazz will always be around because both styles are too human to overlook for long. As long as people laugh and cry, there will be the blues."

J. Hansen: A Nightcat Keeps the Beat



Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 29, 2014 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Interview with Mexican harmonica player Abiel Mascareñas - soulful music and poetic lyrics with feeling

"The blues can be used as a very effective way to express the joy and pain that is in your soul."

Abiel Mascareñas: The Power of Blues Soul

Abiel Mascareñas is a strange case of human being, he…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 28, 2014 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Author Sherill Tippins talks about Chelsea Hotel, Dylan, Ginsberg, Bowles, Harry Smith and Andy Warhol

"The original utopian ideals resonating in the Chelsea’s halls are the same ideals that informed the creation of the artistic communities downtown."

Sherill Tippins: The Blues of Chelsea Hotel…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 28, 2014 at 1:00am — No Comments

Brazilian guitarist Marzio Lenzi talks about the true meaning of the blues that came from past masters

"While much of the blues be done in three chords, a blues never repeats twice, there is much interpretation and feeling there and I think that is what fascinates people today."

Marzio Lenzi: Companheiro do Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 28, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments

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