Music Network by Michael Limnios's Blog – June 2013 Archive (31)

An Interview with Ray Dorset of Mungo Jerry, the most startling phenomenon to hit UK since The Beatles

"I think that it is because this music (Blues / Jazz) is generally “real, no frill”, and honest, it has no age or demographic barriers."

Mungo Jerry: King of the Groove

Mungo Jerry is a British rock group whose greatest…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 30, 2013 at 8:10pm — No Comments

Interview with Lookin' For Trouble: Uniquely done classic blues, rocking blues, rockabilly, and soul

"It all began with the blues - a very simple, beautiful art form. Sometimes you need to go back to that well of ideas to find new ways to interpret this original style of music." 

Lookin' For Trouble: L.A. Troublemakers…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 30, 2013 at 6:02pm — No Comments

Bassman / songwriter George Bunnell of Strawberry Alarm Clock talks about Progressive era of 60s

"Acid Pop Rock is a modern term. It came from a lack of a better term. Fusion is a closer description of the times…but that term didn’t exist either. Progressive was more a kin to what we were thinking."

George Bunnell: Republic of Strawberry Alarm Clock…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 29, 2013 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Washington-based saxophonist Scott Ramminger talks about his experiences in music and New Orleans

"The blues evolved from field chants and very basic music. There is a real primitive element at its core. That give it a universal quality. I think the blues will always be around."

Scott Ramminger: Breathing of New Orleans…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 29, 2013 at 3:53pm — No Comments

Greek Blues Scene: An Interview with Rebetoven - The Blues has a brother and call him Rembetiko

"Both blues and rembetiko are ideas and way of life coming out of real people’s experience! Experience coming out the 'hard way'. Blues and rembetiko are the direct approach of interpreting and expressing your feelings."

Rebetoven: Standing at the…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 28, 2013 at 7:00pm — No Comments

An Interview with Tony "TS" McPhee of The Groundhogs: A Legendary Artist of British Blues History

"As long as there are people who 'understand' what is necessary to play Blues and as long as there’s guitar players & guitars, there'll be real blues."

Tony "TS" McPhee: The Lionheart Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 28, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

The Crippled Frogs from France sing the blues, whores, broken hearts, divagation and strong liquors

"The Blues allows you to express all your feelings, sorrow, fears, and happiness."

The Crippled Frogs: C'est Le Blues

The fantasized blues of this improbable trio takes us to an imaginary…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 27, 2013 at 10:28pm — No Comments

Publicist Michelle Roche talks about Phil Walden, Victor Wooten, Tommy Stinson and music industry

"Don’t quit your day job. Study to be a nurse, doctor, mechanic, computer technician…anything…the music business is tough to break into and even more so now." 

Michelle Roche: It's a music music world…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 27, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Talking with drummer/singer/songwriter Don Stevenson of Moby Grape about the 60s, music and Janis

"The best advice I ever got was to only focus on the music, love what you are doing, and the success, and the money will take care of themself."

Don Stevenson: Like old good wine…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 27, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Talking with gifted Pam Taylor - plows through straight-up blues and run with groove-laden rock

"The blues is as real today as it was back’s just evolved... like us, to adapt to a changing world. There are so many genres of blues out there today."

Pam Taylor: Dr. Feelgood Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 26, 2013 at 11:51am — No Comments

Canadian poet/editor Michael Andre talks about the poetry, music, Beats, John Cage, and Unmuzzled OX

"The art world is independent from the larger world. Art is autonomous. It flows forward in unexpected ways. It should surprise its beholders."

Michael Andre: Years Skip By Like a Stone Across a Pond…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 25, 2013 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Bobby 'Blue' Bland, R&B legend and perennial blues fest fave, dies at 83

R.I.P Bobby "Blue" Bland

Blues legend Bobby “Blue” Bland passed away at his Memphis home June 23 from a prolonged illness, according to his son Rod Bland.

His hits such as "Further On Up the Road" and "Turn on Your…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 25, 2013 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Pianist / agent Johnny Altenburgh talks about Sun & Fame studios, Jazz & Blues, and Wisconsin scene

"Basically jazz is an extension from the blues. In my opinion, you can’t play jazz until you dig deep into the blues. "

Johnny Altenburgh: Shake like the old times

Johnny & The MoTones started in…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 19, 2013 at 4:19pm — No Comments

Μultilateral Italian Fabrizio Poggi talks about the Blues miracle: This music calls out for peace and justice

"The blues world sometime it’s a little too busy and sometimes there is a little misunderstanding about what is the blues and what isn’t the blues, so it’s no easy for young artist to find a place in it." 

Fabrizio Poggi: Dum Spiro Ludere Blues…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 17, 2013 at 11:09am — No Comments

Brilliant guitarist Garth Webber talks about Miles Davis, Robben Ford, West Coast scene and his studio

"Music is a living art form and it’s constantly changing and growing. To me change in music is exciting and if someone wants to mix blues with polka music and can make it work, more power to them."

Garth Webber: Man on a music mission…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 17, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

French artist Marc Dejoux talks about the legacy of Blues in visual art, Muddy, Hot Tuna and local scene

"Real blues as and why it was created don’t exist now, it’s evident but the magic paradox is that Blues still exist live and grow today."

Marc Dejoux: Blues drawings from the real state of mind and soul …


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 16, 2013 at 11:04am — No Comments

An Interview with Neil Merryweather -- a most interesting career, spanning to all history of Blues & Rock

The best advice ever given to me was "never give up what you can't live without"!

Neil Merryweather: New Music to Life…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 15, 2013 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Talking with premier composer Larry Delinger about the Blues, Jazz, Koan, Ezra Pound and Frank Zappa

"If the music is good then it doesn’t really make any difference what kind it is."

Larry Delinger: Music Is A Zen Koan

Larry Delinger is one of the premier composers…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 15, 2013 at 2:02am — No Comments

Spanish saxophonist Ivan Saez talks about the Jazz, local scene, his projects and baritone saxophone

"Jazz is a musical language and as language the purpose of the expression of the human being."

Iván Sáez: Habla con Jazz

Iván Sáez Vigalondo was born in Burgos, Spain. He started…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 14, 2013 at 11:30pm — No Comments

An Interview with Italians Veronica & The Red Wine Serenaders: A music journey to the south of past

"As Willie Dixon used to say: 'The blues is the roots; everything else is the fruits.' Nothing can grow on a plant if it has no roots ... that's why the Blues will always be with us!"

Veronica & The Red Wine Serenaders…


Added by Music Network by Michael Limnios on June 13, 2013 at 11:30pm — No Comments

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