Michael Limnios Blues Network's Blog (3,375)

Interview with the rockinest piano player Diz Watson - a quintessential exponent of New Orleans style

"Blues will survive anything, that is exactly what it is."

Diz Watson: The Keys of New Orleans 

Diz "Honeybear" Watson is a quintessential exponent of New Orleans style piano ­ an exuberant…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 20, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Planet Full of Blues - a blues rock band based on the sweet southeast coast of Virginia

"There seemed to be more depth, creativity, love, talent, and overall musicality in much of the music that the general public was exposed to in the past."

Planet Full of Blues: Galactic Message 



Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 20, 2014 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Brazilian blues musician Fabio Ferreira talks about James Cotton and the roots of Blues & Samba

"I think that samba has the same root of the Blues and this is the line that connect Brazil with USA, Samba (popular artists like Adoniran Barbosa / Dêmonios da Garoa, Cartola and Beth Carvalho)."

Fabio Ferreira: Rio Grande do Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 17, 2014 at 7:04pm — No Comments

Interview with Cleveland's jazz trio of SLAP - blend disparate musical etchings into streams of confoundry

"Jazz is mystical and not mechanical. It comes from the heart and is in response to inspiration and emotion. Most people can relate or respond to that."

SLAP: A Mystic Jazz Cocktail

SLAP is…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 17, 2014 at 10:06am — No Comments

Bluesman and music promoter Jeff Todd talks about Bo Diddley, Joey Gilmore, Sheba and Willie Green

"The blues taught me that life is just what it is, its life not only in America or the South by life around the world."

Jeff Todd: No Rules Blues

Jeff Todd is a natural born bluesman and…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 16, 2014 at 5:04pm — No Comments

Interview with Sotiris Papadopoulos of Salvador Şangó - world music with ethereal and spiritually emotions

"Africa is the mother of rhythm and there is no music without rhythm."

Salvador Şangó: The Spirit of Afrofusion 

The Afrofusion orchestra SALVADOR SANGÓ (pronounced Shongó) is the brainchild…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 16, 2014 at 8:58am — No Comments

Chicago bluesman Floyd Wilson talks about teachings, consolation, energy, healing of Blues and Gospel

"The Blues is a lifestyle. The Blues in general cannot be a fad because it is real - it is about the real life that real people are living so it never has a chance to die."

Floyd Wilson: Authentic Experiences…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 16, 2014 at 6:00am — No Comments

Interview with versatile photographer Alan Messer - captured legends of music behind his lens

"Music is the soundtrack of our lives, it inspires, encourages us to dance, to dream, to rock. It makes us cry and makes us smile."

Alan Messer: The Photocatalysis of Music…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 14, 2014 at 10:37pm — No Comments

Interview with Arkansas soon-to-be legend Lucious Spiller - one of the finest practitioners of the blues today

"Blues is about feelings. It's a natural action from the heart and soul."

Lucious Spiller: Old Roots, Fresh Fruits

During the early 1900’s, Arkansas was a breeding ground for some of the…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 14, 2014 at 1:38pm — No Comments

Interview with Roots musician Brian "Voo" Davis - a gifted artist who creating emotions with lyrics and notes

"My hopes for the future is that more musicians open themselves up to different styles. I hate buying an album and the entire album sounds like the first song."

Voo Davis: Free Bird Sings The Blues



Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 14, 2014 at 12:32am — No Comments

Fiery pianist - versatile singer Andy Boller talks about his family, Bo Diddley, John Sinclair and BB King

"A bouzouki solo might connect in a scale to a Hendrix solo-- the singing of a field chant or and Irish folk melody might be hidden within a Jazz piece or a Blues song-- they reflect life."

Andy Boller: Bluesabilly JazzyFunk…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 12, 2014 at 4:00pm — No Comments

A conversetion with jazz guitarist Grant Green, Jr. following in the footsteps of his father etches own paths

"Feeling it in your heart and soul, that’s when you know it's good."

Grant Green, Jr.: The Master of Groove

Grant Green, Jr. is a jazz guitarist and son of jazz guitar player Grant Green. He is…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 12, 2014 at 7:52am — No Comments

Interview with Canadian multi-instrumentalist Gary Preston - plays the blues with a strong personal style

"The Blues is that heartache that cuts right through you, but it is also that healing feeling you get when you look straight at life’s ups and downs with no “bull”, no pretending."

Gary Preston: Fly Me To The…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 10, 2014 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Interview with Belgian guitarist Jurgen Demeyere - energetically mixture of rockabilly, blues, country and surf

"I guess, that Blues ‘n Roll is still going strong with the younger generation. It is also a chance for these styles of music to continue their legacies even in a more modern way!"

Jurgen Demeyere: Rock The Boogie…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 10, 2014 at 3:34pm — No Comments

35th Blues Music Award Winners of the Blues Foundation -- The winners are ...

"The Blues are the true facts of life expressed in words and song, inspiration, feeling, and understanding." -- Willie Dixon

35th Blues Music Award Winners

The 35th…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 9, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments

New York Blues Hall of Famer Chris Vitarello talks about his experiences and the satisfaction of blues

"I feel I have all the freedom in the world when I improvise in a blues setting. I feel the most satisfied after a blues gig."

Chris Vitarello: The Blues Satisfaction

Blues Hall of Famer Chris Vitarello…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 8, 2014 at 1:00am — No Comments

Interview with photographer and musician Danny Clinch - one of the premiere artists of the music scene

"Good Blues is a feeling. Happy or sad, it gets right to the soul of the matter and can help someone share their good times and or heart aches. Or to just get loose and forget about everything that weighs you down."

Danny Clinch: Lens & Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 7, 2014 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Interview with bluesman Sugarcane Collins - an Aussie storyteller, he rides the blues train all over the world

"You know, emotionally, l think the blues is all about freedom, subversion and fun."

Sugarcane Collins: Southern Cross Blues

From the far north of Australia but with his musical roots…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 7, 2014 at 11:18am — No Comments

Greek Blues Scene: Interview with Chris Tsif of The Lost Boys - Blues sound under Rock culture

"All the music pieces are pleasant for every person and has been written for some reason."

The Lost Boys: Blues Like A Rolling Rock

The Lost Boys' band was formed on 2005 in Thessaloniki,…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 6, 2014 at 5:08pm — No Comments

Q & A with Tony Joe White: The sound is heavily influenced by the place I was raised - "The Swamps"

"Keep playing and writing with your heart."

Tony Joe White: Swamp Storyteller

Tony Joe White was born in Oak Grove, Louisiana. In 1967, White signed with Monument Records, which operated…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on May 5, 2014 at 3:03am — No Comments

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