Michael Limnios Blues Network's Blog (3,372)

Interview with radio host Jim McGrath - well known to the blues community from the Living Blues Playlist

"I would make Blues a bigger part of the radio landscape on commercial radio. Not necessarily Blues Radio but more Blues and Blues related music (Blues-Rock) on the radio to entice listeners to listen and support this kind of music."

Jim McGrath: The Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 21, 2014 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Iranian musician Iman Rahimipour - The ecumenicity of music touch the human souls

"About jazz and blues, I think those are like living, I experienced to be free in jazz music and learned to be strong and powerful and also effective in blues."

Iman Rahimipour: Persepolis Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 21, 2014 at 2:15pm — No Comments

Interview with Finnish roots singer/guitarist Pertti Puusaari - expressing his blues with gospel feeling

"The Blues is very primitive music. It generates feelings that rise from very inside me. Music, its rhythm and simple words let me have words and expression of basic feelings."

Pertti Puusaari: Blues Of 1000 Lakes…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 21, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Interview with Jazz singer Ariana Savalas - continues the legacy of mutual love between artist and audience

"To me, jazz music is complete freedom. Sure there are rules, but it reminds me of that movie the Matrix…some rules can be bent, others can be broken."

Ariana Savalas: The Lady Sings The Jazz

Born the…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 20, 2014 at 10:15pm — No Comments

Interview with blues & bluegrass musician John Crampton - a powerful and dynamic solo artist from UK

"Blues music speaks to all people of all languages."

John Crampton: Talking With The Blues

John Crampton is the UK’s top slide guitarist and a powerful and dynamic solo blues and bluegrass musician. This…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 20, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

Soulful multi-talented Tad Walters talks about Bob Margolin, Robert Lockwood Jr, and John Jackson

"It’s almost like an affliction, but a GOOD affliction, because the Blues is about life, and having your eyes and your ears open, and that poor thing that’s in between them..."

Tad Walters: North Carolina…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 19, 2014 at 1:52am — No Comments

Interview with fabulous musician Rob Parissi of Wild Cherry - with an amazing career in the music industry

"Jazz and Soul always was, and will always be around, because it takes great musicians to create both genres, and the music's timeless."

Rob Parissi: Play That Fusion Music

Songwriter, singer, and…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 18, 2014 at 5:47pm — No Comments

Interview with British Blues Rock trio of Blacktop Deluxe - Tim Chapple, Alan Ibbotson & Keith Howe

"The Blues is all about Truth. Believing in yourself and playing music from the heart is the soul of The Blues."

Blacktop Deluxe: British Blues Passion

Blacktop Deluxe formed in March 2013…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 18, 2014 at 1:45pm — No Comments

Guitarist Bob Welsh talks about Elvin Bishop, Roscoe Gordon, James Cotton and Greaseland Studios

"I think because good blues is really uplifting, you can depend on it to make you feel better...and there are so many great characters in the blues, it’s just entertaining on so many levels."

Robert Welsh: Blues in Many Levels…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 17, 2014 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Brazilian guitarist Rick Boy Slim talks about the universal language and roots of the Blues tree

"The Blues is a pure feeling, if you don’t feel, you can’t play the blues...the language of blues is the same, but the influences change  your way to sing the blues."

Rick Boy Slim: Talking With The Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 17, 2014 at 1:02pm — No Comments

Interview with Austrian Norbert Schneider - his fascination with the blues bridged the gap between the music

"In most of the new blues productions I miss the soul, the story and the fun."

Norbert Schneider: House Built Around The Blues

Norbert Schneider was born in Vienna and grew up in Prottes in…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 16, 2014 at 2:08pm — No Comments

Interview with Buffalo-based David Michael Miller - anchored deeply in a roots gospel, blues & soul foundation

"I believe that Blues music reached people at their core. I know it does for me. It can simply and easily connect in such a deep and intimate way without judgment that you can’t help but be devoted."

David Michael Miller: Roots Foundation…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 15, 2014 at 8:13pm — No Comments

Interview with "The Empress Of The Blues" Sandra Hall - singing the blues for audiences around the world

"You feel the blues throughout times in life and when you take the stage you share the feeling with everyone in the room."

Sandra Hall: Empress Of The Blues

Sandra Hall has been preaching, teaching and…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 15, 2014 at 7:31pm — No Comments

Interview with project of Grinder Blues - a musical pilgrimage that unites blues and rock in glorious soul

"I miss analog recorded music, I am excited for the future of music, I have seen it progress since 1950 personally. So this is just another wonderful chapter in the history of music."

Grinder Blues: A Kaleidoscopic Musical Palette…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 14, 2014 at 11:41pm — No Comments

Greek Blues Scene: Interview with George Hadjopoulos (of George and the Dukes) - Blues Balance

"Blues could be seen from more viewing angles but the pioneers have long now instinctively laid a structure from which it is very difficult to escape."

George and the Dukes: Majestic Blues…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 14, 2014 at 10:11am — No Comments

Interview with singer/guitarist Kirsten Thien - a fiery modern woman with blues and R&B blaze spins

"Music lets us say things that are sometimes hard to express in words alone. The blues has really allowed me to dig deep and express not only my own feelings, but also feelings that are universal."

Kirsten Thien: I'll Sing The Blues For You…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 13, 2014 at 4:42pm — No Comments

Interview with bassist Tyson Bell Harrington - Carey Bell’ son keeps the blues legacy alive in Windy City

"I think we are all blues man, no matter what kind of music you play...the blues is nothing but life experience, that's just my philosophy..."

Tyson Bell Harrington: Windy City Blues 



Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 12, 2014 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Interview with UK based bluesman Tom Attah - taking the music from the past and carrying it into the future

"Blues talks to people about common experience, people are able to project whatever they want to into the songs and sounds and poems. The power of blues and music is that it wants to include you, not shut you out."

Tom Attah: The Living Bluesman…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 12, 2014 at 11:30am — No Comments

Interview with writer, educator and artist Anita Havens - uses Blues poetry to motivate reluctant readers

"Everyone can relate to the Blues. Everyone has experienced sadness and they feel connected…drawn to others who share their feelings. Not to mention, the sound of Blues is so unique and will draw you in!"

Anita Havens: That’s Why We Sang the…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 12, 2014 at 11:00am — No Comments

Interview with chicagoan bluesman Lorenzo Thompson - a truly dynamic entertainer and performer

"The blues is about holding on to them dreams and desires....through good and bad times..."

Lorenzo Thompson: The Party Started

Lorenzo Thompson was born in the Mississippi town of Greenwood in the 50s,…


Added by Michael Limnios Blues Network on June 11, 2014 at 10:03pm — No Comments

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